
Where did kindness, compassion & heroism go?

I normally do not post rants, but this one that was inspired by this video below, I feel has a purpose and needs to be shared. We all hastily type away our opinions, but while there can be those who type hate in haste like a rather sad, and pathetic fading star. We can also rant with passion at the injustice and cruelty of this world. For silence is the true enemy.
I saw this posted as most of us do on Facebook. I can not count how many times I see people share things like this. It is important to do so, i is important to see that beyond our safe bubbles there is great suffering. The suffering which we should try and fight, when a world of people say do unto others, as you would have done to you. Do nothing but share a post in one place, then forget, or worse say it's in his hands. You need to take a step back and reread your ideals and beliefs...

Why are we funding guns, wars, corruption... Greed, you have all these people claiming to be Christian, it's part of his plan they say. Guess what you were part of his plan to stop it. At least if you truly believe in the story you hold so dearly. So I don't care if the story is real or not. Star Trek is not real perse. But it's values and ideals are. If you claim to be a person of love and peace, then find medical programs, fund programs so we can learn from each other, embrace our individuality and also learn from other cultures and individuals. Oh right, that presents a utopia without suffering, and in that world, human lives, and the world would mean more than a dollar sign or bottom line. We live in a world that gets off on people's suffering.

Christians claim he died on the cross for all of us, where is your cross to carry. Do you think God just wants you to silently pray, and hope for the best? That is not faith. Faith is standing for a just cause and knowing that no matter the cost or outcome, it is that you took a stand that matters in the first place. Because the faith part is hoping others will see your sacrifice, or your work, and carry it on, encourage it, learn from it, or evolve it. What a shame we live in a world where that is an alien thought.

Why is all the anger in the world addressed at meaningless things, race, who we choose to love, who we choose to be? In my eyes, unless you choose to be a person who is silent, a person who sits back and does nothing, then you are the enemy and the creation of evil within our world. After all, we hear so much talk of evil, of hate and it is directed at the wrong types of people. Hate can unite a group, and when united in hate you can do much harm. What a shame it is so easy to unite based on hate, that even when united in love, it can turn into a union of hate.

Call me a hippie, call me a liberal fag, call me anything you wish. It is easy to see the wrong and right when they are this simple. We live in a beautiful world, full of such wonder, and so many cannot enjoy, appreciate, or even find peace in it, due to a world full of hate and inaction. Inaction is an action in of itself, while it is just to ignore hate directed solely at you, and perhaps a good idea to not add fuel to some fires.

Yet... When the fire has become all-consuming, it is not fuel we are pouring, it is water we are rushing to douse the billowing flames. This is not simply a call of a SJW, a term which I cannot stand, as social justice, is justice, and everyone should care about justice. I am not speaking of characters in films, what words we are using, how we joke around, I am speaking of how we act when things truly matter.

We can all be jackassess and enjoy or partake in foolish behavior, but we also must take a few moments during our days, to take a serious stand for something other than ourselves. If you do not, what are you leaving behind in this world, I love my toys as much as the next person. Yet, greed does nothing, love and fighting for others does much, and even more for yourself than greed can... At least if you truly embrace it...

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