
Life is a Puzzle, every piece matters.

Let us start this essay, rant or dialogue; whatever you choose to label this blog article, as it is not news, and not exactly an opinion piece either. A lot is going on in our world today, people are being slaughtered in Yemen, there is no clean water in Flint, Kids are in cages, the Poor are left to Suffer, Murder or causing Harm is Acceptable if you have Power, Lives Do Not Matter, Mental Health is treated like a Threat, people can not Agree on Life and Love; Kindness has become the Rarest of Traits... The list goes on, yet these are all pieces of the Puzzle.

Every single person holds a piece of the puzzle of life, to one subject, cause for a purpose. The issue is not that our pieces are wrong; the issue is that sometimes we want to force a piece to fit, where it simply does not belong. I chose a quote by Bruce Lee, because he knew more than most, that the key to the puzzle is not declaring I have all the pieces or the most important ones, but to Seek the Proper Placement.

So I pose a very simple Question, it is one that separates the Wisest of us, from the most Ignorant; when do you accept that the placement is Wrong? See what makes a person wise is not Knowledge, but the Willingness to Embrace new information, and admit when you are wrong. That is how knowledge is Born, you learn by finding out what is wrong. If You cannot admit what is wrong, then you will never Learn. We must learn because at First, our piece may be Small; but as we learn our piece may very well Grow. Yet, I will end with this; when looking at a puzzle it is not the Size of each piece that we Admire, but the Way in which Each piece fits in Unison to Create something Wonderful.

Life is a Puzzle, the sizes of each piece matters little; it is the Placement and Unity of each Piece that creates the most Beautiful image. The Puzzle of Life, is one of Admiration, Curiosity & Wonderment. 
Russell David Carey 7/4/2018

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