
The little Youtuber that could, My interview with the Wiiviewer

Today I am interviewing Youtube sensation The WiiViewer, let's get started!

Russ- First I would like to ask, what really motivated you to do your reviews? How did this all start?

The WiiViewer- I was watching a review show that was on a now-dead website [wii.tv] that was devoted to the Wii. We watched a guy called Storm Dain do a review on a few games. He had the same kind of sense of humor as me, so I showed it to my son who was I think was 7 at the time. We loved it and watched them all. Then I noticed my son playing a game and I asked him to tell me what he liked about it...so he did. I told him to go into detail like you were doing a review. He did and I said we should make a review on YouTube of it.

I kinda thought if he was going to play a game good or bad he should tell me why he enjoyed/hated it. I thought of it like a book report. Something fun we could do together.

Russ- That's really awesome, one of the things I really enjoy about your reviews is that it is a family thing. You are using gaming to create a fun activity, and also setting a great example for others. Did you ever think it would explode as big as it has? And what do you think of the positive example you set for other parents, showing how gaming can really bring everyone together.

The Wiiviewer- When the Wii was in full force I was getting 1.3 million views a month which was great, and completely unexpected. It was even crazier when YouTube out of the blue asked me to be a partner. I never expected to make any money off these videos, and it was amazing that because of it I got to take my kids to Disneyworld for a week. The "fame" has let me be able to make friendships with other WAY more popular YouTube personalities's like Knightwing, Guru Larry or even Storm Dain himself (That was a fun 4-hour skype call).

Nowadays since I am reviewing a pretty much dead console my views are around 150-250K a month. Still a big amount compared to most YouTubers but I wish it would be better. That said I am about to cross 50,000 subscribers which is amazing! I remember the days when I would freak out because I got 1000 views in 3 months (Simpsons game), and the day when I got that in one day (Quantum of Solace).

My fan base is mostly younger kids and parents. I have got many letters over the year thanking me for videos that their kids can watch and helping them (parents) in finding good games for them. It's not as easy as it used to be to respond to emails because of the changes to YT in these past years, but I do like to thank everyone who wrote to me encouraging me and loving the fact I do this show with my kids sometimes.

Russ- Has the success ever had a negative side effect? Surely when you have had that many hits there must have been some negative impacts? And have you tried to tailor your videos, to promote a more positive influence on gaming culture?

The WiiViewer- My videos (alone) were going to be PG-13, so in my early videos by myself, I was way more loose on the jokes. I didn't know my audience until I put out my Simpsons Game review. It had one line in it I thought was funny but it caused a lot of problems. I said " The controls were looser than a hookers vagina" It was only supposed be in there for a laugh, but people freaked. So I cut it out, and with the exception of me using the word "bull$hit" it was just like any other of my reviews.

That being said I have had to deal with trolls occasionally. I have had people really hate some of my reviews, but with some exceptions I just let it go. I can't please everyone. I will go back and edit a review if what I say it causing issues that have nothing to do with the review itself. My Citizens of Earth review had a gab at Earthbound which I should have known not to add. It started a flame war that I didn't like so I deleted that part out of the video. I will always take other peoples opinions to heart, but I won't always agree with them. If we don't see eye to eye on a review we just talk in comments and I move on to the next one.

I started bleeping out bad words about 15 videos in I would say. I really didn't use bad words that much but since I found out my reviews were getting a younger audience I tailored my reviews to them.

Russ- Speaking of having a younger audience, how do you feel about your kids playing some of the more mature games? And when did you allow them to start playing them? Everyone tends to talk about kids playing Mature-rated games, where do you stand on the subject? Do you think gaming offers more positive impacts on kids, than how the media portrays them saying they negatively effect the youth? 

The WiiViewer- My kids don't play M rated games really. The worst my oldest has played is Call of Duty. I tend not to review M rated games, that's not to say I won't do it but if I do I always put caution first.

I really depends on the kids maturity level. I think there are too many younger kids playing M rated games...but in the end it's the parents job to know what is okay for there son/daughter to play. I do think games should be restricted for sale, only because I think without that kids might play a very mature game without the parent even knowing. At least there is some checks in place to stop this from happening now.   

Russ- How do you pick your games you review? With the Wii being essentially dead, and the Wii U failing, did this influence your decision to get a PS4? And can we expect more reviews for other consoles? Has there ever been a time where one of your kids, wants to play a game that you deem inappropriate? And how do you handle those situations?

The WiiViewer- Lately its been harder to find good games to play/review on the WiiU. The system doesn't get a lot of new games for it. So I am focusing currently on virtual console and indie games. My plan on getting my PS4 was to review games on them as well. My viewers didn't like that at all, and my attempt to get a new YT site which was still part of my site wasn't going to happen. Plus my PS4 stopped recording after I did two game recordings so I just didn't put in the time to figure out how to fix it.

If I had known the WiiU was going to be failure I might have moved to the 3DS. I have always said I am going to keep my name as its only a name so it wouldn't have been too weird to move to 3DS games but I was/still am stubborn and I am sticking with the WiiU.

My kids have never ask to play a game I thought was too problematic for them. If they ever asked to play a game like GTA 5 I would say while the game is fun, the kind of fun it in isn't appropriate for teens (which they are now). Wait till you are older and out of the house. :)

Russ- I love that response about GTA 5, do you think you will do more PS4 reviews? Or has that shipped kinda sailed? Are you going to get into doing 3DS games? And where do you see the WiiU going in the future?

The Wiiviewer- I don't think I will do 3DS games, but I am seeing what Nintendo is going to do next after the WiiU (not talking about the fitness console they are coming out with). I have a feeling it going to be a combination of a portable system and a home system, where you can play on the go and then instantly play it on your portable system. If that happens then I should be able to get best of both worlds the home and portable players/viewers.

If Nintendo goes and makes another niche console hoping to get different gamers then Sony/Microsoft has then I might just pass on that and move to something else.

PS4 reviews? It depends on Nintendo.

I think the WiiU is dead. I have said this for a while now. Nintendo has too much pride to say they failed which is too bad. I imagine in 2 years we will hear about a new console, which will not have the word WII anywhere in it. That being said I am glad Nintendo still comes out with systems and doesn't just make games. Sure they could make lots of money if they just focused on games, but it's clear to me they unlike the other two gaming company's don't do this for the money. They do it for love, which is why gamers (as fickle as they can be), still love and respect the company.

Russ- I agree, I actually liked the Wii U and think it was a pretty well made console, had it come along a bit sooner it might have done better. Where do you see your empire headed? Do you think you will focus purely on reviews, or shift focus and do other gaming related videos as your main focus? And what do you think would be the reason for you to stop making videos? And as a fan I hope that day never comes, your voice is probably one of the most positive on Youtube, and unlike other gamers who troll and trash games, you always try to find something positive to say. Something that is sorely missed in the gaming community these days.

The WiiViewer- I always say I will do this until I stop having fun. Starting up my 8th year of doing this I would have never guessed I will still being doing it almost every week (I do take off time occasionally). I remember my first year doing this, and I put out 101 reviews. That was a crazy year. 2 to 3 videos a week. I have learned to pace myself, as I only do one review a week now...and sometimes one other one (lets play, bargain bin, live event).

No more let's plays now that Nintendo has put the hammer down on those. As much as it sucks, I do agree with them. They should be paid for them. I think its crazy someone can put an entire game on the internet for someone to watch. I know some people will buy the games because they liked the gameplay, but some games only get hurt by letting them be on YT for free. For example my oldest son watched all of the Phoenix Wright game on YT so he said he didn't have to worry about playing it. He enjoyed watching someone playing it instead.

I tend to only think one week in advance, so I really don't know where I am headed. I do have some ideas of theme months, but nothing is set in stone.

Russ- I feel the same way, I love doing this cause it's so much fun. Well, I will wrap this up now, my last question for you is, what has been the best part of this whole experience?

The WiiViewer- The best part? I like to hope my kids have a better appreciation for gaming in general. I think their way they express there love/hate for a game has changed for the better over the years. Video games and Nintendo were such a big part of life growing up I am glad I got to share this experience with my kids. I am sure if we didn't review some of the older games out there they would have never played and loved them (Harvest moon being a huge one).

I also like the fact that even though I have the worst voice for voice-overs I can still have a fan base. That's was my biggest fear going into this. I think it's helped me get more confidence in my daily life.

Russ- I love that, I think unlike film and everything else, there is very little way to preserve gaming history. This has been a ton of fun, and thank you so much for your time!

The WiiViewer- No problem. Have a great night!

Dont forget to visit The WiiViewer's Youtube

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