Perfect Dark Zero Rare Replay Edition (Xbox One) (Rated Mature)
Perfect Dark Zero was one of the premiere Xbox 360 launch titles, it was also my personal favorite. I spent countless hours with the Single Player campaign, playing CO-OP with friends, and having an absolute blast online. So when I saw it was included in the Rare Replay collection, I was ecstatic, I had to have the collection for this game alone. While the game did not receive the remaster treatment, seeing the game upscaled in 1080P was more than enough incentive for me. Having said that, the chance to play it online again, was the sugary sweet topping to an already mouthwatering treat.
If like me you played this game nearly a decade ago, when the 360 launched, you'll either have fond memories, or perhaps remember it not being what you expected. This game was very hyped leading to it's release, but most gamers thought it was over hyped. Which did lead to a less than stellar critical reception, but the game sold well, and had a large loyal player base. This is a game that is not perfect, but it was always very fun to play. So I was very excited to play it again on new hardware.
This game was never made to revolutionize shooters, this was also not meant to be cutting edge. Rare does not make games like that. Rare makes fun games, they set out to make a game that is fun to play from beginning to end. And above all else, this is a game that is exceedingly fun to play. Perfect Dark Zero is one of those special games for me, it is not only an incredible game in it's own right, but for me this game is apart of my fondest gaming memories.
Is the story good? Not in the traditional good writing kind of way, but it is fun and thoroughly entertaining. The visuals give the game a very cartoonish anime flavor, which may have been off putting to some, but it actually let the game age tremendously. The bright and colorful imagery looks outstanding in 1080P, while other game's of the day went for realism, this game's anime inspired visuals still look phenomenal to this day. I, will admit that the story and voice acting are weak, but it is still good silly fun.
From a gameplay standpoint, the game does feel somewhat dated. But, that is not a bad thing at all, shooters are not made like this anymore. Levels are designed to be fun to explore, and also fun to play in. They are large and often quite expansive.While there is only one path to the levels end, there are plenty of opportunities to go off the "beaten path". I should also point out, that the game design is of a more dated style. While there is an option to turn on a way point system, you are expected to explore the game's levels and figure things out on your own. This is not liner game design like the shooters of today. And offers quite a challenge compared to most modern shooters.
The level design in this game is inventive, thoughtfully laid out and designed the way games used to be made. It is hard to explain. The general design and feel of this game, is like the first Perfect Dark. That game had a very distinct style and feel. This game feels the same, simply, it feels like a classic "styled" shooter. In the vein of the original Perfect Dark and GoldenEye N64. Console shooters used to have a specific feel and style. As they evolved that style and feel has changed. So games that play like this, are a real treat for those of us that appreciate this kind of game design.
Combat feels no joke "Perfect". All of the firearms feel, look and sound powerful. The shooting mechanics work well, with aiming and hit detection being thoroughly refined. The weapon selection is also extensive, and each weapon feels unique. What I really enjoyed about the weapon selection, is that it comes down more to preference and style, than which gun is more powerful. Most weapons also have a very useful and often very distinctive secondary function. Weapon balance like this, is something sadly lacking in modern shooter design. Shooters have sadly forgotten, how to make combat as intense and viscerally satisfying as a game like this.
This is not a game everyone will appreciate. But if you like "old skool shooterz" you will love this game's style. Shooters made today just do not feel like this. And for some that is a sad thing, others simply don't care. Still, I know I have many fond memories of playing online for hours on end, and loving the community I found when I first used Xbox Live. The campaign is fun cooperatively, or playing solo. The competitive modes also easily set the standard for multiple generations of shooters.
This is a game that I think was slightly misadvertised, and over hyped to an extent. But viewing the game for the first time in years, it still feels as good as it ever did. In fact, it may even feel better today. For this game alone, the price of the Rare Replay pack was well worth it. This game is tons of fun now, and brings back such fond memories, while also reminding me what makes a game "good" again. And what makes this game good, is that it is pure addictive fun.
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