
Deadpool Review

Deadpool (Rated mother fucking R like it should be)

Deadpool is not your normal comic book superhero film; in fact, few films are this subversive. This will either rock your socks, bore you to tears or if you're a real big pussy offend the hell out of you. This movie was made to stay true to the love fest with Deadpool that is sweeping the nation. Seriously why are high school girls in love with him? I dunno but its probably cause he is as funny as a stillborn birth. And I mean that in the best sense; seriously still born's are like the best "Matrix bullet dodge" you can achieve. Cause with all the parents that scream, "Deadpool should be PG-13 so little Jimmy son of a bitch can see it." I realized a shit ton of people are not meant to have little fuckers of their own.

Seriously if you think your kid needs to see the Deadpool movie; either nut up and explain all the fucked up jokes, graphic sex and extremely twisted sense of comic violence or... I seem to have lost my train of thought somewhere. In any case, Deadpool stays true to the sadistic, sick, twisted and brilliant nature of the comics. Which is honestly why you would make this movie in the first place. What the fuck is the point of a PG-13 Deadpool? Anyone who loves this character should know that dick, ball, anus and rape jokes are his bread and butter.

Yet, the story is also extremely dark; yes this is advertised as a fun kick ass action-comedy, and it really delivers on that, but it also has a fairly decent story. That may be too dark for some, this is not just an over the top comedy. They actually had some rather moving scenes, in particular, the love scene between Wade and his girl, when she pegged him I nearly cried. Why won't a girl do that to me damn it.... Oh uh, yea moving on.
This film's tone is truly something to be admired.  It moves at a breakneck speed, due to the fact that it is told in a somewhat out of sequence manner. Which also allowed the film to have all these crazy moments of insane action, violence and of course that psychotic sense of humor that makes "The merc with a mouth" who he is. But it still allowed the film to have a meaningful plot. Do not expect anything grand it's pretty simple stuff but still, a simple story executed well, is better than a convoluted piece of crap that butchers a beloved character. Expect plenty of pop-culture references, and an extremely filthy sense of humor. I have no idea why I said that, cause, come the fuck on its fucking DP man. What do you expect?
Ok, I get it, enough with the cheesy jokes. While my review is full of mostly misses; the film is not. This is a surprisingly well-written film that remembers to do one thing really well. Be entertaining as fuck. Seriously, why have most people forgotten that films are about being entertained. The film is rather short lasting just over ninety minutes, and most of the run-time is action, and of course a fuck ton of comedy. Yet, most of the characters are well developed; still, it is the performances that made each character captivating and intriguing. We know and love Deadpool but each character gets their time to shine, in one way or another.

There is a bit of romance in the film it's kind of a love story, yet mainly it's about turning guys into fucking kabobs. Ok, I had to do one more bad joke just for my own sake. In conclusion, I was fucking amazed that not only was the film as funny and action packed as I wanted it to be; but it also had a story worth watching. And given how massive this film's success was I can imagine we will be seeing plenty more of good ole DP. Oh, yeah and about that douche bag Ryan Reynolds; we all should get on our hands and knees to gobble his knob in appreciation for getting this epic film made. Seriously, all bets are off, this is the first mega-successful R-rated comic book film, anything goes after this.

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