The Media taught us how to hate
For too long the mainstream media has been hawking lies to the American people. Many of us geeks have grown up on media with lavish conspiracy theories, so naturally, my generation is more cynical and skeptical than any other. Yet, we are quick to dismiss what we may see as coincidence at first; but upon greater inspection, you discover there is something sinister at work. Simply research "scripted news" and you will see something extremely frighting. It could be easy to dismiss the idea that a large network simply is writing for many stations, but when you observe the details further it ranges from not a network sharing a script with it's sister companies, but competing companies that are sharing the exact same scripts. Does that not seem odd to you? I encourage you to do your own fact checking, prove me wrong! I would love to sleep a bit easier at night.
Yet, the further I dig; the more I discover evidence that supports my idea, that the government is directly controlling our news. Think of this, when you search for news you are more likely to go to a big station or site for your news, yes? Of course, some of us scour the net for multiple stories, with conflicting narratives trying to decide the truth. I realize that is a skill and mindset few of us possess. While most of us have the net, few of us use it to research more than "did the designer of No Man's Sky screw over gamers?" While those in the gaming community are seeing trends and ideas that scare them. They think "oh these people are trying to use us, trying to lie to us." No, they are using effective marketing techniques, that are being used in a far more secretive manner.
An artist will speak broadly and passionately about their product, they want their art seen and they want people hyped for it. This is not an issue today, look online whenever gamers think they were wronged; they freak out and post a shit storm. No gamer has had the wool pulled over their eyes regarding a game. The reason why is that there is a plethora of sources for information on those games. You can than make an informed decision on your own. Free thinking at it's best. The idea that we need the gaming industry protected from advertising is absurd, but not as absurd as some think.
See the idea that your being lied to, that your being bought and sold through lies is true and it is a major problem. The new's is controlled through everything I have discovered. We are carefully spoon fed a version of the truth, that is generally missing crucial information. But it does get worse, speaking of #FakeNews the recent major trending media lie. Fake news is a real deal thing, fake news is when the media creates a totally fabricated story to distract and deceive us all. Now I am unsure what truth there is regarding #PizzaGate. But, I will say this after much digging. There is a definite history of child abuse within our government. This may seem far fetched but, if any of you know Roman history... You will realize men in power have a horrific history of abusing children.
Why am I sure of the things I speak? The media cold easily put all these issues to rest by directly denying them. By going into detail on how ridiculous they are. Have they? Will they? Why not ask them. Some may say, "well the story is so out there, that it is not worth their time." Well, what about all that circumstantial evidence any of us can find if we dig deep enough?
Here is my plea with anyone who reads this, please disprove me. But I ask one thing, when you research to disprove my ideas, have an open mind and see if at the least you can see what I did. I did not and will not provide my sources, I have a reason though. I want you to do your own independent research as I have, so that you are finding and seeing the information for yourself. If you see this as a cop-out, I am sorry... But it is not, this is how free thinking works. I am not trying to tell you how to think, I am trying to spread information I have seen. I am not arrogant enough to think I have seen or know it all though. We have to work together to find the truth, we have to stop being divided by the media.
Instead of looking at this post as some stoner's crackpot theories. See me as a concerned human being who has done much research, and is simply trying to do what I view as right. I see the media spreading broad lies about Black Lives Matter, Standing Rock and much much more. While there could be some truth to the lies, which is very possible. After all most lies are a version of Truth. The space between the truth and a harmful narrative, is far too wide.
To quote a recent gaming masterpiece, "We are Dedsec, we have given you the truth, do what you will."
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