
How can those who are being terrorized, be labeled terrorists for merely taking a stand?

(Orignal article after update, May 2nd 2017. 

On April 29th, Jordan Edwards a 15-year-old Honor Student, was leaving a party, with many friends in an SUV. There had been a noise complaint called in, and beyond saying the music was too loud, they reported something soundeed like gunshots. The Police arrived and officer Roy Oliver fired with an assault rifle, into that SUV. He let off multiple rounds and one struck Jordan fatally in the head. 

Right after the shooting on April 29th, it was reported that the SUV was moving towards the officer. However, this was proven to be untrue by witness and Police camera footage. None of the boys were even drunk. By May 2nd, the chief had fired the officer, and said the shooting did not meet department standards. While this is a decent first step, most of these shootings are outright covered up, and officers are rarely fired... But this is still not enough. 

Roy Oliver needs to be in prison, we need to hold our Police accountable. If I took a life, I would not get fired. I would be in jail or worse. Why do they get off, oh it was a mistake, so I could shoot a cop out of a "mistake" does that mean I can get off too? This is why the Black Lives Matter movement is so important, people are dying and the killers are getting slaps on the wrist at best. 

The general public must realize, to the Mentally Ill or a person of color, the Cops are more often than not, terrorists. They also must realize it is not acceptable to fire your weapon, out of fear.... 

Every single case of murder, was either out of hate or fear, if you're scared your not fit to serve. If you lack the courage to take a bullet, or die to make sure you do not take the life of an innocent, and that you truly Protect and Serve, you need to quit. Or when you make that "mistake" you need to be treated no differently, than anyone else who shot someone out of fear.

If you do not get why this movement is so important, you are part of the problem. People are dying and, it is not stopping, it is getting worse. )
I wrote an article last year just after the mass slaughter of innocent African Americans, this is a fight that has been raging for longer than many care to realize. It is a fight that many also sadly think, was won long ago... I wish, I truly wish this was the case. But I have eyes, I use them to see the world I live in. I see a world where the media is turning us against those who need our aid.
Malcolm X was a very wise man, born in a time of hate, much like the time we are in now. He spoke many truths, yet he did at times let hate overtake him. Yet we see that happening now as well, while there have been many incidents of undercover Cops or hired actors starting riots. Many have been started by passionate, emotionally driven souls who are letting the suffering and pain consume them. Yet had these people been met with understanding and empathy, perhaps people like Malcolm, and those who did commit violent acts during the riots never would have been inspired to. Malcom X was labeled a thug at best, and at worst, A violent nigger who thirsts for the blood of whites. I know that language was harsh, but it is the truth. Malcolm started peacefully demonstrating but his message which was desired, was not approved of.
This is no different than what is happening to the BLM. Their message is not desired, Black Lives Matter, they have never said white lives or other lives do not matter. Yet they are trying to tell you, BLACK LIVES have never mattered in this country.
We may not have public lynchings anymore, but honestly when the times change, so do the methods. How is shooting a man running in fear, in the back multiple times not a lynching of a sort. There was no one around, and a safer option would have been to aim for his feet, thus the rounds would not risk striking another innocent. However look the events in Orlando after Trayvon Martin was murdered... This young man's life was cut short, why? He went out late at night for snacks, he walked to get treats after chilling with friends. Then because he chooses to wear a hoodie, and take short cuts through yards, like any normal teen, he was profiled and then followed...
This boy was coming home, and the entire time he was being followed by some suspicious dude in a car... Mr, Killer Zimmerman decided this boy was a threat, and tailed him. He decided to play pretend and be a Cop. Well let's say your a kid coming home late at night, some strange guy follows you for blocks and your thinking this is spooky as fuck right? The Killer was told to stand down, and that other trained Killers were on route. Yet he got out of his car and followed this kid, kids who are harassed and bullied all the time these days. Which can make some defiant, and the strong learn to fight back. If I am being followed and I turn around and a guy pulls a gun on me, I am going to fear for my life, and fight for it.
As far as Trayvon knew this dude was robbing him, or trying to kill him. If the wounds on Mr. Killer were truly caused by Trayvon, they were defensive wounds. Once Mr. Tough Shit got the upper hand, he fired multiple rounds into a teenage boy. There was outrage, we knew this child was a victim, then the media turned on them, they wanted this to go away. After all, who really cares about another dead negro... 
Well it turns out that while many have turned against the oppressed, many have chosen to stand side by side, just as we did before two generations ago. While the pain of the loss may burn bright, it comes from a dark place, it is but an ember in the darkness. It does not give you sight, nor does it allow you warmth, but it can burn you. 
Carrying a torch, I will not lie you may be burnt still. Yet not only will you light the way for yourself, you will give others the ability to see in the darkness. We crawl towards burning embers in hope of warmth or light, yet it never does any good. However the urge is not evil, it may produce negative results but the intention is neutral or even pure in some cases. The urge to strike, after Police show up dressed like armed troops going to war, throwing tear gas and trying to disperse a peaceful protest... Will not result in a positive outcome, yet the action it of itself, of fighting back even so ravenously. Is one of the few that is justifiable. Cops molded their profession to oppressors, instead of protectors.
The sheer reason, is that they have been provoked for generations... For damn near as long as recorded history. Their impact on American history is regulated to one month out of the year, instead of showing the enormous impact their culture has had on American society. We give them a month in appeasement, instead of embracing their history as our history. We label heroes who give their lives out of the urge and passion to give their loved ones freedom, killers, thugs or monsters. We label those who simply cause chaos, to remind the world that few of us are blessed to not endure the fear, and the violence they have for hundreds, if not thousands of years...
I do not want to hear Blue Lives Matter, or All Lives Matter until the Police protect instead of kill, or abusing those they are allowed to, when they are meant to protect them, even from themselves. Unless you are blind, you would see that most cases of these cops killing innocent people, does not stem from a pure hate... I wish it was that simple... No, it stems from a system that teaches these poorly trained, and often inept and frightened Officers to fear anyone poor or of color... Then when we allow an officer who may have made a real mistake, to simply get a slap on the wrist, they are then emboldened.  We care more about not destroying a Cop's life, than the life that was extinguished.
These officers are sent out and due to the media's twisted narratives, and the protection from their brothers in blue, well they might as well be given a Licence to Kill. You can not let huge mistakes be swept under the rug, mistakes are meant to give wisdom... We fall so we may rise. Yet few want to rise together. This is why I have been so blunt in this article, unless we learn to understand and empathize with the pain, or at least try to understand the anger that People Of Color rightfully feel, then more violence is inevitable. We could prevent this violence, simply by not staying silent, simply by using whatever skills we have to try and reach others. It does not matter how many, but there are issues that matter, human lives matter. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Yet those in power do not agree, it is why we label true Patriots terrorists and thugs. America is the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Or it was supposed to be... Those who stand to fight out of love, and out of a desire for that ideal, that ideal which our country is built upon, are the only real Patriots

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