
Even I am getting sick of talking about Trump, but...

As much as there is to learn from this man's strange actions, it is becoming rather dull and the more he acts out the more it seems this is all an elaborate act. I do not mean to say his act is not causing great harm, but to those in the greatest state of fear, understand that for things to be fixed, for things to truly get better, they must be broken first. I am not implying Trump is doing us any favors, it is much harder to fix something without breaking it, and thus a much more admirable effort, I also do not think fixing things is this man's goal.

I do know one of his goals though, our reaction, much like a bully or an abusive ex this man feeds off our reactions. Our reactions even the negative, serve his purposes, I am not the first nor the last to point out that his schtick is a poor man's Andrew Dice Clay or Bill Hicks. For a lot of artists the provocation, good or bad is the goal. For Trump he incites many to be afraid & angry, creating enemies for those who do support him, which keeps his supporters fighting for him, all becasue they are too invested to see the truth. It feels wrong to not address the things he is doing, but if we lose sight that he is doing these things like a child, for the attention, then we got locked in a battle that we can never win. He is winning because he knows how to hurt so many, he knows his supporters can't help but fight for him, just as he knows the other side can't stand idly by.

If we want change we do have to fight for it, but we have to stop reacting blindly to things that bother us. Bullies know we react, they use that against us, they say awful things because they know we care, we can still care without giving them what they desire most, our attention.

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