
Saudi Arabia, Trump, Khashoggi and Yemen

(Video Report)
We are going to go solely by what we know, based on facts of the time and of the present. I think these facts are extremely fascinating, and I am merely connecting dots that anyone can check with their own research. Jamal Khashoggi was a Saudi Arabian Journalist who opposed his countries brutal policies, most of all he opposed the man who created these horrific policies, Saudi King Mohammad Bin Salman. One of the reasons he opposed this man, was the horrific war crimes he committed in Yemen. Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen for several years now, targeting mostly schools, hospitals, and residential districts. Yemen is a small middle eastern country, some believed there were terrorists hiding there, however, what we do know for sure regarding Yemen, is that it was a peaceful country, with many women and children. Now, it is important to note that Mr. Khashoggi's son has made a statement abolishing the King of any wrongdoing, which is extremely odd. However, when you consider that the man has four children who were in Saudi Arabia at the time of his death, and then they were denied permission to leave Saudi Arabia again; well, draw your own conclusions. What we do know of Jamal Khashoggi's death is that he went to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, and then he was never seen again. What happened inside the consulate is anyone's guess, many have had some very grisly ideas of what befell this kind journalist, however, we will never know for certain. We do know that a team of sixteen Saudi Arabians came into Istanbul, and were there to kill Jamal Khashoggi and get rid of any evidence. This team was highly trained, highly funded and they just so happened to be Saudi Arabian, and some of them even had ties to the King himself. There was a leak from the CIA that claimed the King was responsible, however when the CIA and White House gave an official statement, they choose to issue only a denial of these claims. The Saudi Arabian government of course also issued denials of these claims, however, eventually the Foreign Minister stated it was a rogue operation within their government, and that the King was not involved. US President Donald Trump has stood behind, or rather in front of the King of Saudi Arabia, proclaiming his innocence even while other US officials think otherwise. During this time Trump was in the middle of a large arms deal with Saudi Arabia, the bulk of these arms were high-tech bombs with devastating effects. Now several months later, Saudi Arabia is still bombing Yemen, killing unarmed civilians every day, women and children trying to simply live their life, only to disappear in a pile of smoke, fire, and rubble. It is a fact that those bombs being dropped, were supplied by the US government, and some of them came from the arms deal between President Trump and King Salman after Jamal Khashoggi's murder.

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