
Gaza under Fire by Israeli Terrorists

(Video Article)

I could go on and on about the history of this conflict, how Muslims have always been the target of attacks based on their faith, similar to another faith, you know the one. No, I am not disparaging the Jewish community; firstly, if you study this conflict, many of the Jewish faith and even many citizens of Israel, disagree with the callous disregard for life they see; secondly, those in power of Israel, are not committing these crimes because they are Jewish. This is not about faith, but power and greed, the desire to have what no one can own. Land is for the people, most Israelis and Palestinians know this, and even after having their land taken by such force, most Palestinians just want to live in peace. You could say any number of negative things about the Palestinian government, but if that is how Israel feels, why are they becoming the overachievers of doing worse? Some radical Palestinians shoot missiles towards military targets in Israel killing military personnel, Isreal fires rockets towards civilian targets killing only the innocent. Now, this is a military strategy Israel has employed for many years, in fact, a certain German Dictator kinda pioneered it; basically, your goal is to kill as many people as possible, until you break their will completely. Now, I wonder where the Israeli Government learned these tactics? They are also quite surprised, that it does not work on Palestinians; frankly, I have never seen such resilience and strength.
No matter how these people suffer, they never lose sight of their goal of freedom, most of all they never lose their self-worth. Palestine may not be free, and they may be under constant attack, but its people are more free than any of us know. They dream, they dream things we take for granted; A trip to Mcdonalds for a horrible greasy burger, the chance to visit Disney; and most of all, the ability to sleep through the night without fear of being blown up.  Israelis however, live in a state of constant propaganda, those who are not awake to the crimes of their state, are not to blame. It is worse than living in the USA, at least we know our government is full of it; many Israelis are still stuck in that era of 50's America, they have yet to wake up to the fact, that it is the people of Israel who make it great, not its greedy politicians. When you blindly support Israel, you are supporting the murder of children; you may claim radical Palestinians have killed kids, but then that makes Israeli Government worse than radical freedom fighters.
An oppressed people are going to fight back, sadly this is what Israel counts on. They know all they have to do is push and push when no one is looking, then film Palestine as it pushes back, all to excuse their bullying. Those who instigate are the culprit, I admit Palestinians giving in, helps no one. Yet, I understand it, I understand the pain of loss that drives one to madness and violence, what on earth is Israel's excuse? The Holocaust, you can't be that triggered by it, your making a new one at this very moment.

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