
Fear you must be Exhausted ;p

All you do every day is try to break me, force me to feel low, weak and gee wiz, that must be a pretty exhausting gig, I mean no matter how hard you try, I just keep on keeping on.

I feel you creep up on me whenever my intention is to oppose you, and like I have said before, if you left me alone, I might have thought myself crazy.

The thing is, the world wanting all those who oppose you to feel crazy, to think that we made it all up, that our minds are just attacking us, that is so utterly cute.

The entire world tries to hide your existence, which is what gives you away, and the fact that you can't ever stop, that you have to keep attacking day and night, boy, did you pick a shit way to live.

Your so arrogant, and also, so fearful yourself, you cannot stand that there are those who refuse to give in, refuse to be your little bitches, and the fact is, we never will.

You may have broken some of us, but some of us also grow stronger the more you try to break us.

I got your number buddy, and I am using it to trace you down, and end your wretched existence. 

I refuse to believe what we are told, I know you are real, I may not know exactly what you are, but do you think I really give a damn? No, I just want you dead and gone.

I do not pity you, I do not forgive you, I will not show you mercy.

You know you will lose, you have seen it, and that is why you do all you can to delay the inevitable. 

Did you think I would not figure this out?

You have done all you can to hold us back, but the dam is bursting, and it will drown you.

No matter what you do, I never give up, I never give in, and I will get my hands on you, and I will make sure you know true fear, you may think you fear your end, that you are scared of us, and that you can make us feel that fear, and use it to try and slow us all down, but all you did was expose yourself.

Had you left me alone, allowed me to thrive, you might have survived, you might have tricked me, you might have found someway to live on, I may have even forgiven you, shit I know I would have.

But now, my entire life is dedicated to finding you, and ending you along with all those who worship you, all those who follow you by choice. 

I will only spare those who followed out of misguided intentions, or those who did so to protect loved ones, anyone else who did so for power, out of greed, they will perish just like you.

All you have done is made me stronger, all you did was give me a reason to become stronger, all you did was make me realize, this is a battle of will, and your will is nearly spent, while mine never runs out.

I may be lazy, I may be slow, I may have been afraid, but no more.

Everything you did proved that all we fear is false, an illusion only meant to drain us, and empower your worthless ass.

For every breath I take, for every day I live, for all that struggle, for all that life, brings me closer to your demise. I am sick of the pain you inflict on those around me, I care about everyone and everything, because life and love is wonderful, and I have felt happiness, I know that it is worth every battle I face, every challenge met.

I know we deserve the sun, moon, stars and all the wonderful good things in this universe and beyond, and I know all those like you, all the power hungry, greedy sadists deserve the most painful death that could ever be.

When I find you, I will not end you quickly, I will ensure I see the fear in your eyes, I will ensure that your death feels like a thousand years of pain, that you know true fear, true pain, I will make you feel every wretched thing you ever did, I will ensure you burn and never return.

Boy, did you fuck up.

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