
Vikings Wolves Of Midgard Review

Vikings Wolves Of Midgard  (Xbox One, PS4, PC) (Rated Mature)
The Top Down Action RPG genre has seen few worthwhile releases in the past few years. Even Diablo 3 was considered to be a disappointment. I personally enjoyed it, though I would say it felt like it was the weakest of the three. It seems that a great many indie teams try to make decent games of the same vein, but they often end up creating mediocre snoozefests. I used to try many of the released TDARPG's, but after so many disappointments you tend to lose hope. Games Farm the team behind Vikings Wolves Of Midgard, have given us something we need in 2017. Hope. 
Ok maybe that was a bit much, but this is a game I had been eyeing for a few months now, and finally having played it, I am in awe of how addicting it is. Playing til the sun comes up just to get that next level to use that badass sword, man those are the moments that make these games so much fun, that sense of progression and losing yourself in the world. Brought me back to the old days staying up way too late playing Diablo II. Vikings packs intense combat, that is viscerally satisfying in a way no other game of the genre has been, for me at the very least. It also features a story that has both a serious and somewhat self-aware tone, which makes for a story that is both intriguing and at times downright hilarious. 
The writing is surprisingly witty, and avoids many cliches that plague the genre. Instead, it often pokes fun at those tired cliches, and does something totally new while at the same time paying homage to its forefather's. Upon starting the game you have two character types to choose from, either a male or female Viking, This option is cosmetic, as both types can be any of the character classes. When it comes to your classes they are tied to your weapon choice, and each class is referred to as a God, such a Thor, Odin, Loki and more. To level up you sacrifice the blood of your slain enemies to the Gods. This was a really neat way to make leveling up more immersive, and it also felt somehow more rewarding. 
I do hate that the game does not have local multiplayer, and only features online play, this is the perfect couch buddy game. Yet there is no way to play with a friend locally, this is a very depressing trend for gamers who enjoy having their friends in the same room with them. God forbid right? A game this savage would be the perfect weekend slay-a-thon. The kills are insanely vicious in their brutal nature. Vikings has a very devastating and extremely satisfying brutality, as well as some excellent dismemberment and gib animations. There are even some great zoomed in slow mo kill cams, when you couple great animation with solid controls and exciting combat abilities its easy to make an extremely satisfying combat system. Which is one of Vikings many highlights.
While the quest design is of the same go here and slay that, the game's cynical approach to storytelling, and it's beautiful and original setting, gives more to see and love than one may think. Norse mythology is rarely explored properly in games, and while the game's tone does feature a lot of gutbusters, it manages to balance a great sense of humor, with a story that offers interesting characters, and a plot that is actually interesting. The voice acting especially sells the game's hilarious lines, and more somber moments, which makes the game worth playing for the humor and story alone.
It is, of course, going to be no shock, that the game can be repetitive, that is a sort of hallmark of the genre. Yet Vinkings has more depth than you think at first. Inside your Viking village, you have a weapon, rune and armor maker, to make an item you need money and supplies, which you get when you're out slaying beasts, or for completing quests. You also need these resources to upgrade these stations, and it is surprising how satisfying it is seeing your little stand grow into a forge fit for a true Viking King or Queen.
The controls intuitive nature allow for free flowing, mayhem and slaughter of your enemies, which feels far more dynamic than games of this type. That being said there are some issues with the game, I do not mind the fact that the game is not an open world, it has a hub where you travel to many different levels, the levels are not randomly generated, which allows for more interesting level design. Yet for so much effort put into making the game immersive, this does seem like an odd choice, the optional hunt quests are also ultimately only worth it for the loot.
Visually the game has a strong atmosphere and fantastic art style, but it is obvious that the Unity engine is not really going to deliver mind-blowing visuals. While the resolution, colors and designs are superb, the graphics lack detail in may areas, the game also suffers from unintentional slowdown. This does not interfere with gameplay, and the visuals are actually very impressive when you consider the engine and budget of the game. More importantly, this game's art direction is both a breath of fresh air, and visually intriguing, unlike most recent releases.
At the end of the day, if you're a fan of the genre you would be doing yourself a major disservice if you do not check out this game. That being said, those who are not a fan or dislike the genre should steer clear, as Vikings Wolves Of Midgard is one of the best Action RPG's in years.

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