
U.N Denies life saving Cholera Vaccinations to Yemeni's in dire need

Recently reported by the New York Times, in a lengthy article which I have linked here, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/world/middleeast/world-health-organization-cholera-vaccine-yemen.html The UN has suspended all plans for any aid in providing the life-saving Cholera Vaccinations. This is murder plain and simple, if the Yemeni's die, Syria gets the land. The US and UN are working to make sure no Yemenis survives this crisis.

They are people same as you and me, men, women, children, being bombed, shot, starving to death and now dying of a preventable disease. Few talk about this small country, yet it has done no wrongs, and is now being torn apart. This is a genocide on the scale of what the Nazi's did to the Jewish people. Yet, most news outlets remain silent, the stories are rarely given much attention and while everyone is on about saving Syria. Yemen is being destroyed all to be given to the Syrians.

All it takes is 15 minutes on google to see this is the truth. These people need help, and we must not be silent.

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