
Autism, Police and Star Trek

As many of my readers know, I am autistic, I am fairly high on the spectrum but that does not mean I do not have my fair share of issues. Which makes it very frightening to see how police routinely deal with the autistic community. Violence is often heavily used, and without any form of remorse. Is it fair to defend against someone going through a heavy mental illness episode? I do think if your life is in danger, non-lethal and also force that is meant purely to protect yourself, and also the victim. Yes never forget how a person maybe freaking out, lashing out, they are a victim.

Which makes it even more disgusting that police do not serve and protect the autistic community, in fact, they often seem to either not care, not understand, or have zero compassion for anyone other than their brothers in blue. I could not mention that and not bring up the fact, that this level of abuse is far greater to people of color, autistic or not. There is a major issue regarding police brutality. If you are seen as a lesser citizen, someone with mental health difficulties, or worse just someone who is of a different color or background, suddenly you are fair game for beatings, shootings, and murder at the hands of those who are supposed to be our protectors.

This is where Star Trek comes into play. Starfleet protects life, and searches for understanding. Take this clip from the classic series as a great example.

The landing party is attacked by what seems to be some kind of monster, at least upon first glance. While they do defend themselves in standard action show fashion, it is what comes after the fight that is so damn meaningful and something we could all learn from. They learn it is no monster, rather a humanoid creature with the mind of a child, who was simply upset that his tricycle was broken, and also being fearful of a new being. As a person with autism, I did think of it as a sort of analog for autism. They are attacked, yet once they learn this being is simply confused and in a fight or flight state, they offer help, compassion and caring. Why are police not like this?

This show is well over 60 years old now, and has many spin-offs which focus on this very important message. Life is meaningful, life is worth preserving. Even in moments of danger, because you simply can not always know if someone is a threat, or a victim in need of help. These heroes would give their life to save another, which growing up is what I always thought the police were. I thought they joined to protect the world for evil, to search for justice. Boy did I watch too many good movies as a kid. 

Anyone who a net connection, knows that police rarely serve and protect anything other than their own hides. I will not apologize for talking down about police officers, or the fact that they do not serve justice or peace. Rather they serve to get thrills and feel powerful. While I realize their is a niche of good officers, it's just that a small niche. Most officers may start out with good intentions, but for most this is just a job to pay the bills which causes the problem. 

Why do members of Starfleet wish to serve, not because it is a job, because it is a calling to something greater. This franchise has spent it storied and long history, trying to show us a better way, trying to instill better ideas about life. It is such a shame that so many do not hold these ideals close to their heart. To seek out new cultures, new forms of life, to not be afraid of them but wish to learn, to live together in peace. Of all programs, Star Trek is the few that shows one time enemies becoming great allies. This is what we need to learn, compassion for life and to grow, to see things from another perspective, not just your own. 

Others and I am sure Police will feel this way, that this kind of ideal is naive and not possible in our world. But that is the view of a scared, nihilistic, cynic. The truth is we could have a world much like the one in Star Trek, hell we are even getting to their kind of tech. But a world like Trek, it means we cherish all life, it means we care to help others, to understand others. If we only get the cool toys, its a waste. Sure the tech is cool, and we got plenty today, but it was never the tech that mattered, it was the values. It showed us regardless of our cruel world, that seems to have forgotten the importance of helping others, of understanding those who are different from us, could still be within reach. If we only strive to make it so.

Sadly we seem to be taking major strides backward in a lot of areas. The fact that so many see no issue with police brutality, that no one sees a need for a different kind of justice, one that does not come from the barrel of a gun, is utterly depressing. It seems a great many people, just live within their own bubble. If it does not affect them, they have zero drive to do a thing about it. I do not understand how so many, could be so callous. 

Life affects us all, seeing Israel murder protesters, seeing police abuse the autistic community, and murdering and abusing innocent people of color should be a rallying call for all of us. That if you strike one of down for nothing, the rest of us will make a difference, we will show the world that life and cherishing others lives matters more than anything else. 

If you claim to be a Christian or of any faith, this should be your mission in life, yet too many people who claim faith, only seek to protect their own interests and care little for the preservation of life. Hell Christians worship what can take life away, with their sick affinity for firearms. Sure I like weapons in games and film, they are fantasies, they serve a purpose other than to take life, art is meant to explore life. Yet in the real world, we have no use for such tools of death. Just like our Police have no use to be violent thugs. 

Protect and serve, it means to protect life not take it away. Something that few in power care about. Does this rant serve a greater purpose, I honestly have no clue. But seeing the violence and hate, knowing that life is not seen as a worthwhile thing to save, in that case, none can be silent. So if it does nothing but shows a different perspective, I am good with that. After all the government and the police do not care, they make excuse after excuse for abhorrent behavior and it can not stand.

One day maybe just maybe, we can all live long and prosper. 

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