While it can seem a bit strange to disagree with people who seem to make such logical sense, sometimes we have to; sometimes we are all being driven off a cliff and the best thing to do is grab the wheel. Yes words can be very harmful, I like many of you have been bullied; and while it is a good thing to try and end bullying culture, we have to stop spreading victim culture. We live in a vile, beautiful and totally uneven world; nothing will ever be perfect yet in a great many imperfections, there is more beauty than expected. Striving for perfection is a good thing, but in moderation. We all have voices, unique ways of expressing ourselves; some of us speak loud and bluntly, while some speak eloquently and some... Well, some say confounding, startling and often humorous things, yet the truth is never singular.
You will not find answers looking in only one place, you may find bits and pieces but the experience itself can often reveal the answers you were seeking. So when as a culture we tell everyone to think and react a certain way, we do the world a major disservice. The world is meant to be a place for functioning adults, now we can all have bad days and our own issues, but we should still be able to understand things on a complex level. Like people do not just say hurtful or dumb shit for no reason; sometimes people are trying to make a point and not actually harm others but expose the harmful truth. Think of Richard Pryor, he was able to make the reality of a fucked up world funny and expose the truth. Where would we be without him?
Honestly, are we better getting outraged whenever someone says something offensive; or should we think it over and realize if someone is trying to hurt another purely with words, that their life must be awful? Wouldn't the accepting thing be to empathize with the fact that they are projecting their pain onto you? I am not advocating for bullies or people who are of course just saying something to harm another person, yet as adults, we have to stop this knee-jerk reaction when someone says's something that is not acceptable. the reasons for our words matter, and PC culture seems to only value words themselves not the reason or even the context. We have to remember to think about things, not just react blindly. PC culture is telling you to shut people up if they go off script...
Which in of itself seems like a type of bullying, if we just judge the words then we lump the misguided in with the real bad apples. Can anyone really say that they always knew the right thing to say? You learn by saying the wrong things, people should only be punished for bad intentions. If you are using words only to hurt, lie and manipulate, then it is your intentions which are the problem, regardless of the words. Just as a good person can use the wrong words with the right intentions. Still, I know this very post maybe seen as something to be offended by, god forbid I advocate for free speech. But, in the words of Bret Easton Ellis, "That is the world we are living in, Comrade Snow Flake."
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