
Standing up to hate on Twitter is Verboten!

You know what Christan Twitter loves?
Hating Muslims!
Do you know what happens when you stand up to bigoted Christians on Twitter, without even insulting their religion?
You get a 12-hour ban!
Now, I admit I did call that Troll's mom a big fat stupid bitch, and that she was a bitch to her little boy, which made him a super duper biatch.
I know, it was such a cute heckle too.
However, it was well worth it, one to tell that little bitch where his hate came from,
but most of all, to spot the wonderful hypocrisy of Twitter.
See they allow Christians to say anything they want, but Allah forbid you stand up to hateful people with a sense of humor,  they so lack.
The people who dish the heat, simply can't take it. They're so enraged when you refuse to bow,
they despise that you use their troll tactics against them, better than they can.
Twitter Momma loves to protect and support her little, hateful, fragile, snowflakes.
Well, that means I better get more creative with my trolling...

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