
You either die a Hero, or you live long enough to become Israel

Many will not speak on this subject, and few will speak this bluntly. But, I can simply not stand by and see the savage propaganda that Israel uses to promote genocide. This article is not hate against the Israeli people, or the Jewish faith. No, this is condemning a violent regime that values greed and power above all else. The history of the Israel/Palestine conflict is complex, but also dreadfully simple. Regardless of how it all started, regardless of who started it, there is only one party that can put an end to the daily bloodshed. Israel.
They are the ones patrolling a country that is not their own, they are the ones going into Palestine to kidnap, murder and pillage. They claim the Palestinians are terrorists, yet what does that make Israel? In the USA we only see one side of this bitter, hateful conflict, we see lies telling us the Palestinians are savage heathens, that they are just a curse on the Holy Land. However, families trying to simply live, children trying to go to school, only to be shoot and killed more often than not, and why? They walked too slowly home and were out after curfew.
Gee, does that sound familiar, I wonder who oppressed a group of people and used brutal violence to thin their numbers and control them?
Yes, I am going to make that comparison, and I do not care who it offends, if the shoe fits Israel, lace that bitch up and wear it. Israel's government has a never again attitude, but only for their people. Again for the idiots reading, thinking I am attacking the innocent people of Israel, I am not, I am pointing the finger where it belongs. The only people in Israel to blame for this hate, this violence, are those in power. After all, even some Nazis were merely brainwashed by endless propaganda, they did not see their actions as evil, due to the evil in power corrupting them.
The soldiers of Israel, have become vile, evil and monstrous people. However, the only ones to blame are those in power. These soldiers have been fed the same lies about Muslims and Palestinians, that all Americans have. There is a better example of this though, even trumping the Nazi connection.
This has happened before on our land, America. When you ask? When countless settlers sought to commit genocide of the true owners of our land, the real Americans, the Natives.
Yes, I am comparing the stealing of America, to the theft of land in Palestine and Israel. If that offends you, you have been lied to for far too long, so sit back and learn a thing or two.
While the start of the conflict may not be the same, I was not there, I cannot know how it started and both sides have conflicting stories.
However, it does not take a rocket scientist to see who is wrong now. When you have most of the wealth, all the power, soldiers, weapons and the heartless ability to take lives out of fear, arrogance and pride, it makes you the villain.
Even if the Palestinians were wrong in the start, they have been rendered nothing but helpless victims, they try to fight back, but they are always outmatched. If you listen to the people of Palestine, you will not find a hateful people, but those in constant fear for their lives. Something Israel claims to feel, but none there have felt truly for a very long time. There were crimes on both sides, but that scale has been tipped for a long time, yet we still are led to believe that Palestinians are the villains. If they started as the Villians, they have lived to become the heroes.
If your country is walled in, if your people are routinely taken, your children shot down in the streets and your homes destroyed over and over... What would you do? Most Palestinians choose not violent action, but prayer, they understand violence will only lead to more bloodshed. However, some who have lost loved ones, are blinded and can see no action but retribution. You may say, so do the Israelis, yes, but they could leave Palestine alone and be safe. They have their own powerful country, they control their own borders, they can get the hell out of Palestine and free the oppressed people there.
Yet they choose not to, they are not in danger, the Palestinians have little arms, and when they fight back, it is with rocks and molotov cocktails. Hardly the type of arms that Israel has plentiful access to. If Israel wanted to be safe, they would stop their supposed Holy War. Make no mistake, those in power of Israel feel justified, they feel righteous committing cruelty on innocents, on children. Never forget why they feel that way, a book promised them land, land they had not set foot on, land they choose to take. Yes, I side with Palestine, I do not recognize the collective known as Israel.
They could be a great country, if only they tried.
Sadly, those in power only care about their own, their own greed and power. They are not doing this for the people of Israel, they do this for themselves. They hide behind their people, their faith, the actions of Nazi Germany, they claim anyone to speak out negatively against the state of Israel is an antisemite. Well, if speaking against a Terrorist organization makes me an Antisemite, I will lace it up.

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