
Lets Get Nihilistic America!

Let's start hating everything, and everyone no matter what, let's just start becoming more hateful,
less forgiving and more volatile, until the littlest things set us off like bombs,
and the most meaningful things could not be heard, even if screaming there is a fucking BOMB!
Oh, wait, you all beat me to the punch. Well, fuck it, let's just say it's not too late,
and we aren't all Nihisltic assholes, we are, but let us pretend.
Think about it Internet America, we pick apart things meant to be positive,
people with hopes and dreams, those looking to do nothing but good.
Seeing that insanity has us seeing pure fucking red, and then all we can do is march like a Christian with an AR-15, mowing every fucking thing down.
Was it an easy joke, yes, but most of you laughed, see it's easy to take shots at school children.
It is even easier to follow the masses because it's popular.
Those who did not laugh, but are still reading out of a morbid curiosity, well sometimes things are funny and shocking, and also sometimes said not just to use the shock value for laughs, maybe, just maybe, I am using shock value to make a point.
Or maybe I am just attacking idiots with combat tools and fools who follow religion without even a basic understanding of the world, or the religion itself, I don't care fuck you.
Am I being Nihislitc? Why, Yes, Yes I am. Am I being an arrogant, self-indulgent prick,
Yes, Yes, I, Am.
Because I can, for no reason at all, other than laughs. Except, again being my arrogant self indulgent prickish self, try coming up with that on the fly fuckers.
I do this with a slight purpose, while I had to be a nihilistic prick to get your attention, I did it to make a point, and I did it, to hopefully make you laugh a little bit.
Like your mom did.... last night... when we did it! Cheap laughs are still laughs.
Even if I am the only one laughing. 

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