
I Hate Recess (Short Story) (Drama, Romance)

I Hate Recess

By @GamerGuy1991

This story contains violence, abusive language, and themes of bullying, if you think the situations are inappropriate, then you have never been a kid on a playground.

I hated it when Mrs. Crowell told us it was time to go outside, and here she goes again with that scratchy voice. "Kids time to head outside for your mandatory fun." I saw all the other boys shoot me the same nasty looks, I was hoping they wouldn't harass me badly today. We all started to file out and that is when it started. I felt a swift punch to my back, it took all my strength to not topple over while my back hurt so much. If a fist was not bad enough, I had to hear "It will get worse outside terrorist." I shoot back, "It must be hard, being such an oppressed Christian." He hissed so hard I felt his spit hit my ears as we left the classroom. "Shut your mouth mussie." As we moved down the halls towards the door to the playground, I shot back once more. "Mussie is such a cute nickname, I just love it, much more fun than saying Muslim." I smiled as I hid the deep pain such terms caused, I knew I could never show them that pain. 
As we all filed out the door and got to the playground I realized Mrs. Crowell had gone inside, why did she pick a time with no other teachers or kids are out again? I wonder while trying to hurry over to the spot behind the playhouse, as no one bothers me there most days. Just as I near the yellow and green house, I feel two hands on my back pushing me down hard as I hear, "GET OUT OF AMERICA SHIT SKIN!" My face then smashes into the sand and rocks that cover the ground, as I fell blood drip out of my nose and a sharp pain on my face, I roll over and kick up as hard as I can. I did not even look before shooting my foot into the kids's balls causing him to scream in agony. "Davey!" Shit, why did he have to have friends with him? I quickly stand up and punch the boy in the face, knocking him down as he clutches his balls screaming in pain. 
Two more boys move towards me fast and I realize I am going to have to fight them, why not, after taking such abuse for so long, it is time I strike back. "Come and get it Christ suckers!" I scream as I stand my ground, I see them fill with even more rage and run screaming towards me, that is when I see her, as if she was an angel with a huge ass bookbag. This beautiful blonde girl comes running out of the playhouse, she then swings her huge bag into one of the boy's heads knocking him to the ground. The other boy looks shocked as he continues towards me, that is when I get the nerve and charge the privileged brat tackling him to the ground. I then unleash months of anger on this boys face, I strike with my right, then my left, and then my right and left once more, before finally striking him as hard as I can with my right hand. 
I then turn and look at the angel swinging a loaded bookbag at the boy cowering below her. I stand up and walk to her while I command the boys behind me as they lay on the ground crying, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE." I hear the boys behind me dash away, and that is when she finally stops pelting the boy with her bag and notices me. "I think you beat his ass pretty damn good." She looks up and smiles before she slings her bag on her back, and moves the long hair out of her face in one smooth motion, she then kicked the boy hard in the stomach one last time. "They were asking for it for months, they would harass me all the time out here, and I heard some of the awful things they said to you." I smile warmly as the boy scurries off and she comes closer to me, I somehow feel smooth enough to say, "I wouldn't let idiots bother me, not when there are people worth paying attention to, that is if they wouldn't mind the attention" 
We smile at each other before she says, "I would love some." She takes my hand and leads me into the playhouse, where we sit down in two chairs that are almost too small for us. "Let me clean you up." She askes so sweetly as she opens her bag, I notice a ton of books as she pulls out some wipes, she then looks towards me and says, "It won't take too long, I am sure it feels worse than it looks." She dabs away the blood as I can do nothing but stare at her green eyes, they are utterly entrancing, I have never felt anything like it. I then finally snap out of it and say, "Thank you, for helping me, I don't think I would have lucked out against both of them." She smiles while putting away the wipes before warmly replying, "I bet you could have taken them both, but I didn't want you to have to." I had never felt such a warm and comforting feeling before, everyone else had been so cold and cruel, she was none of those things. "My name is Eva, what is yours?" 
I felt so smooth before, now I feel like I am drowning trying to speak, "I, I, My name, It's Wadi." I love her grin, even though I know she is holding back laughter, I don't care, somehow her laughing at me would feel good. "You were different outside Wadi." I can do this, just talk to her, just say something, anything, think Wadi, think. "Eva, what is with all the books?" Her smile fades and then she spoke so quietly, "Oh, you'll probably make fun of me, but I love to read. The other boys, they made fun of me for coming out here to be alone and read." 
I smile and take her hand in mine, "I love to read, I would not make fun of you for enjoying stories." She smiles right back at me and then it was like lighting, she kissed my cheek and told me, "Thank you, your really nice Wadi." Those feelings wash over me again as I stare at her beautiful face. "You're so pretty." Eva's face turns bright red as she laughs while telling me, "No I am not, I am too pale and too chubby." I smile wide and tell her, "Eva you are beautiful, your skin is perfect, they put me down for mine too, do not take their words to heart." Eva grins as she softly tells me, "I think you're the most beautiful boy in our school." 
I wonder, would it be ok, I want to, should I just ask her? "Eva, could I kiss you?" Eva moves right in front of my face and smiles, "Kiss me Wadi." I put my lips to hers, and we let each other's hands go while we hold each other pressing our faces tightly together. After what seems like an eternity the bell rings causing us to hold each other tighter, we then both try to speak with keeping our lips together. "I don't wanna go." We both mumble and that was when sparks flew, our tounges met as we mumbled our wish, it was magical, I thought she might be grossed out but she then danced her tongue around mine once more. We heard the bell continue to ring as we held each other locked in our first, and the world's longest kiss. Once the bell stopped ringing we both knew we had to stop, I pulled her in to hold her as close as possible as we finally ended our kiss. All we could do was smile at each other as we walked hand in hand back to class. 

The End

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