
Greed, Lawyers and Humanity or Lack Thereof

I was always curious why Lawyers, AKA people in positions of authority, with connections and power, simply stand by during a major crisis. So with my thinking cap on, I dialed up a Lawyer I knew named "Henny". I realized during the Sacramento Protests for the verdict on Stephon Clark's killer, that "Henny" could provide a great spotlight for the abusive way the city is handling the case.
So I asked, hey "Henny" if I write you a script would you go on the News and say a few words to help these people? His response was that he was not the right person to do this, he does not handle those cases, but if we wait a couple weeks, he might get another person to say something, possibly.
I explained, I understand that dealing with the press could be daunting, yet these matters are and will always be time sensitive, to do the most good you have to strike while the iron is hot. Also if you wait, you end up not really helping anyone, and looking mostly like an opportunist hopping on a bandwagon after the fact. After a "Wall" of excuses, I heard well let me get back to you.
So I waited, and waited, and waited some more. After a week, I realized this guy didn't care to help, which was all he had to say off jump. Look I get it, giving your time for nothing, it can be a really stressful activity, after all, whores are used to getting paid. Now, do not think I am disparaging sex workers, they do a real job and sell a damn fine product! No, the real whores are those who sell their very souls, not to put a roof overhead, but to have more and more and more. Think about it, Lawers have more power than most of us, they have the connections and the know how to help and make real change. Yet, they like most Politicians do not care about an ideal, they care about their power and how much the can hoard for themselves.
So I finally rung up "Henny", his response upon answering was such a cliche, it should be patented. He could not make excuses fast enough, oh I know this person and it won't take long to get them to help. Sure, these people assume we are really so stupid, that we would think it takes a special person to use their voice to make an impact. It takes courage, a bit of intelligence, but most of all, it takes compassion to care about another more than yourself. When you sit and wait, when you stay silent, people get hurt, and things remain the same. Am I saying that my posts will have some huge impact?
No, but I know very well that doing something will result in something, doing nothing results in nothing. You never know who might see or hear your words, and if you use your words for a worthy cause, you have no clue what can happen till you try. Lawyers like "Henny", and even some of those who do help worthy causes, sadly have something in common; they all are doing it not out of the good in their hearts, but out of the greed in their souls.  

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