
Israel A State Of Terror

(Video Report)
To some it may seem offensive, to some it is something that needs to be heard, Israel is a state of terror and so few realize it, the amount of people who blindly support such a terroristic state, is quite startling, but what makes it utterly absurd is that most have no clue what is really going on. Israel was formed in 1948, by taking land that did not belong to them, they spent years after that trying to take as much land as possible, killing to do so. They invaded Golan heights starting the six-day war, during these six days, they annexed their neighboring country of Syria for land and they got it, Trump as of March 25th 2019 has approved their ownership of the land they stole, this should not surprise anyone given that the USA was stolen from the Natives in a similar fashion. Of course, the six-day war is nothing compared to the decade long torture that Israel has committed in Palestine. Israel has occupied Palestine for decades, and the Palestinian people are sick of being abused, they go to the border fences knowing the press is there, which they try to use to reach the rest of the world with their horrific plight. Of course, the Israeli Defense Force is there too, waiting for them, with live ammunition and of course drones to drop tear gas on top of them. Some of the IDF takes a sick sense of pleasure in sniping innocent, unarmed protesters, they try and claim that there are terrorists mixed in, with bombs and weapons to use on the fences, yet they always end up shooting unarmed men, women, and children. Israel raids Palestine, again in their supposed effort to take out terrorism, by attacking people who are only fighting back with rocks, bottles and anything they can throw, to protect their families. These soldiers are rarely at any risk, and they would be at no risk at all, if they would simply leave these people alone. But it is not enough to simply shoot these people in cold blood, it is not enough to commit unwarranted kidnappings and to hold people for years or worse for those people to never be seen or heard from again, no even those horrible actions are not enough for Israel. They have to bomb them as well, targeting civilians locations, blowing up schools, hospitals, media outlets, and playgrounds. It is not and never will be Anti-Semitic to stand up to these brutal acts of terrorism. This has nothing to do with the Jewish faith, although Israel loves to hide behind it, like a shield to cover all their atrocities.

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