
Israeli Crimes against the Palestinian people

(Video Report)

It is hard to witness such atrocities when you know so few understand or care. Seeing the reality that the Palestinian people face should make you angry, it should make you fill sick and disgusted. Yet, the most disgusting thing is that so many side with Israel, worse is that it is without any understanding of history, and most of all with their minds already made up before studying the facts. For example, most people have little idea of how Israel came to be. In fact, it seems the most people know of Israel are as follows, Gal Gadot and Natalie Portman are hot Israelis, Israelis were murdered by Palestains during the Munich Olympics, and Israel is a Jewish country. Now there is a lot of history, and you would do well to study it yourself, however, this will get the ball rolling. Before it became Israel, during the 1920s it was Mandatory Palestine, this was when the British had taken over the land by force, with the help of Jewish immigrants who had been coming to the land in droves for many years. Even before the 1900s, there were plans among many leaders of the Jewish communities to build their own nation in the Middle East. This was and is known as the Zionist movement, which was born from the Jewish Bible(The Old Testament). Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with that goal itself. It is the methods that are wrong, much like the methods that made America are wrong. Yes, we need a grasp of history to understand why this happened. America was formed by those seeking their own home as well, for similar reasons of religious oppression on top of that. How did we come by the land known as the USA? We stole it from the people who were born here, who made their whole lives here, we saw them as lesser beings, savages and so we took the land by force, by genocide. Israel was born in the same way. You may know that Israelis were violently murdered by Palestains during the Munich Olympics, but so few understand why, and worse some think it was simply an attack on Jews because they just hate Jews. The notion that any of this has to do with hating Jews is a horrible lie. This has nothing to do with the Jewish faith, this has to do with corrupt and evil people in power of Israel. I am not defending what happened in Munich, but I can understand why a group of people who have been oppressed, slaughtered and subjected to genocide would strike back. This is what happens when you push someone against a wall and give them no hope. However, if you knew this was an exception, not the rule for the people of Palestine, you would admire them even more. For longer than most of us have been alive, these people have been oppressed, bullied and slaughtered, yet they remain peaceful and only attempt to fight for their lives, their children's lives, and their freedom. How do they fight today? They gather at the border fence in Gaza, they gather to become a news story, they are not there to storm the gates, they are there to be seen and heard. You may see footage that shows Palestinian protesters fighting IDF forces, however, you do not see them in context. These protesters came to be peaceful, they are not allowed to be though. As they stand and hold signs, as they scream their plight, they are shot at and killed. The IDF loves to target medics, women and of course children. You may ask why bring kids to the site then, because it is their fight too. These kids are not safe walking home from school, if they are out after Israeli curfew, these patrolling Israeli soldiers in Palestine can shoot and kill these children with no recourse, you know like Cops do in America to black children. America loves Israel, we helped them in the UN to become a nation, after all, they follow our model with no restraint. It is amazing to think that America is restrained, yet when you look at Israel, you see a government power with nothing to hold it back. The power, influence and wealth Israel has are staggering. Try finding news programs in America that speak on these issues, try finding more videos on Youtube about this subject, hell just try to find any footage of what is going on in Palestine. You'll see a great deal from Israel's side, and only a handful covering Palestine and their very real plight. You will see images of Palestinians throwing rocks and other objects, however that is not an attack. Think about it, these are people with rocks and bottles, they are simply keeping the IDF at bay and letting some anger out after seeing a seventeen-year-old boy shot in the face, for no reason. They know they will not kill anyone with their actions, the Israelis wait until they are sure their actions will be fatal. Since Israel was born, they have sought to drive Palestains from the land by force, they have created propaganda in Hollywood and beyond to ensure everyone sides with Israel, yet you will be shocked when you dig deeper. Where you see Muslim terrorists, I see a group of people armed only with rubble and debris, I see the face of courageous freedom fighters willing to die to free their land from tyranny. Where you see heroic Israeli Commandos, I see armed Israeli terrorists using Nazi Germany's playbook to take what they want.

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