
Our priorities as Gamers is pretty fucked...

I find it funny how we all started out gaming for fun, as a way to escape a boring, depressing, stressful or any other negative feeling you know we all felt as kids. There is a difference now that we have grown, things are still negative, but now instead of escaping to games, we find it as a source of negativity. We use to relish playing a game, now instead we can't wait to fucking rip it to shreds. We stopped caring about playing games for fun, we became jaded and instead of having fun, we sought to destroy fun for everyone. Dramatic, maybe, but it is mostly true.
Instead of spending hours soaking up a game, we spend hours obliterating the game itself. We now relish logging on and writing how much a game sucks. I understand why Gaming Critics are jaded, they do this for a job, so I can see why the fun would be drained. You have to play for hours on end every day, not because you want to, but because you have to; you are not playing to enjoy the game, but playing to dissect it. This will never create a fun gaming environment, it creates tension, stress, anxiety and that ruins all the fun you could be having. What is our excuse as gamers? I have played many games, very few I would call garbage, and every game I have played, baring a select handful, would be enjoyed by someone out there.
Of course, now you can't go online and be positive, it just is not popular. No one likes to see people being happy, having fun or simply enjoying life. No, they want to see everyone pissed off, depressed and angry like they are. Because remember kids, anger always stems from a deep sadness. Reviews will remain jaded, but we do not need to be. Perhaps we are jaded due to playing highly scored games, and not ones we may personally love. I enjoyed Red Dead Redemption 2, and I think it is a very good game; however, it is not one I enjoy the most. We have lost the ability to think for ourselves, and that should make us angry, but we are taking it out on the wrong people.
Gaming media has had control of the way we perceive games for far too long. We see a low score and assume that means the game is bad, instead of realizing a low score simply means that game has a more niche appeal. Agreement does not create a scale for good or bad, just because a group shares the same opinion does not make it a correct or universal one. You may think to all the games you played that were bad, but think of this, how many great games have you played that were good, but never truly great to you?
I think the world of Kingdom Hearts 3 and Spider-Man PS4, however that does not mean everyone will, even when most agree on those games, there will always be those who simply don't. Who is to say they are right, who is to say I am wrong? What if that question never mattered?
Well honestly, it never mattered, no one can be right or wrong based on their opinion of what they enjoy. It is our taste, our opinion, and we are free to think what we like. Talking about why we dislike a game is fine, but it is this rabid sense of destruction that serves no end, and only harms us.
We may think we hold the power by using our voice to shit on games we think are subpar, we think that will inspire them to create better games; but it doesn't, it inspires companies like EA to shut great game makers down. We do have control with the power of our voice, and where we choose to spend our money. But we have to see the damage we can do, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Medal Of Honor, Epic Mickey, Mafia III, Watch Dogs 2, Blood Stone 007, Wanted Weapons Of Fate, I could go on for days about the games so many would love, that sold poorly, only due to poor word of mouth. See we used to talk about the games we loved, not the ones we hated, we used to bond over the shared love of games, the ones no one talked about, the ones we loved because we discovered them.
The internet made those days seem lost, but now we can find them again. We can go back to the days of having a blast playing games and, talking about the things we love in our favorite games.
That is the point of an escape, having fun with the art that defines you, no one else.
If that sounds silly, I have a few questions for you.
Are games we think are bad worth our time? Are they the end of the world?
Is there nothing else better we could be doing with our time?
Do we live in an all-encompassing paradise where progress no longer matters?
Are games our paradise, our worlds we can control when ours seems so out of control?
If you laugh at my questions, I have only one more, why do you even bother to play video games? 

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